Author: Nicolay Vladimirov Kurbanov-nvknvk
100AUTOMATEDnvknvkRACES_CAR - ON dry (original surface) traffic density 10.0 AGAINST 2 cars SABRE copy handling in data(remark: traction multiplier of SABRE on 1.78, AGAINST NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 30 races in streight(NOW I FINISHED 17WINS and 13 looses) & and 50 races in reverse 23WINS AND 7 LOOSES, sometimes used AND V_HUD_by_DK22Pac, you can reach and 2nd chakpoint for 30 sec with flying_car mod AND HAVE BETTER CHANCES, from 1st attempt- 1 000 000$ -100
BETTER result - 2POINTS, EQUAL(38-42 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON HAVEY RAIN (original surface)) - NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 handling(drive_to) against NAGASAKI SHOTARO(race_to) , traffic density 0.9, 20 races in streight & rverse -FINISH 10WIN 10LOST (race 40to50) maximum speed and acceleration WAS to me 211.0 60.0 to him 205.0 58.0- I PROOVE THAT I'AM KING SOLOMON
THE SAME AUTOMATED RACES 15to20 & 25to30 STREIGHT & RVERSE -17 wins -3 lost
THE SAME AUTOMATED RACES 0to5 & 30to35 STREIGHT & RVERSE -16 wins -4 lost
THE SAME AUTOMATED RACES 5to9 & 10to15 & 20to25 & 35to40 STREIGHT -11WINS 9LOST
THE SAME AUTOMATED RACES 5to9 & 10to15 & 20to25 & 35to40 RVERSE -11WINS 9LOST
------------------ AT ALL 65 WINS -35 LOST
BETTER result - 2POINTS, EQUAL(60-70 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON SUNNY (with dry surface) traffic density 0.9 - NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 AGAINST haybusa 50 races in streight(NOW FINISHED 28WINS on 22 looses) & and 50 races in reverse 31WINS 19 LOOSES. ON SOME RACES used V_HUD_by_DK22Pac(to find checkpoint IN IMPOSSIBLE RACES)
BETTER result - 2POINTS, EQUAL(26-34 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA ICE(my snow surface) NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 handling(drive_to 211.0 48.0) against BIKE(pcj600-race_to 190.0 50.0) 30 races STREIGHT & 30 races REVERSE TRAFFIC DENSITY 10.0 , WINS 28 LOST 32
BETTER result - 2POINTS, EQUAL(26-34 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON ICE -rain (with snow surface) traffic density 0.9 NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 AGAINST FF7AC bike find in internet (copy handling in BIKE and change traction multiplier on 1.65 brake downforce 25.0 maximum speed 230.0, acceleration 55.0)) 50 races in streight(NOW FINISHED 29WINS and 21 looses) & and 50 races in reverse - 33WINS 17 LOOSES. used in almost all races V_HUD_by_DK22Pac
BETTER result - 2POINTS, EQUAL(28-34 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON SNOW (SNOW surface,clear view -VIOLET - chroma =0.28) traffic density 10.0 (SOMETHIMES set it on 00:00 low traffic AGAINST PREDATOR bike (find in internet (copy handling in BIKE and change traction multiplier on 1.65, AGAINST NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 -MAX SPEED 211.0 ACCELARATION 48.0 ) 30 races in streight(NOW I FINISHED 16WINS and 14 looses) & and 30 races in reverse 18WINS and 12 looses ,5 times reached 2nd ot 1st checkpoint with flying_car for 30 sec
BETTER result - 2 POINTS, EQUAL(16-18 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON SNOW (SNOW surface,clear or cloudy view -GREEN(reptile) - chroma =0.28) traffic density 10.0 (IN MOST CASES set it on 00:00 low traffic) AGAINST bike TRON LEGACY bike find in internet, ME NVKNVKisKing_SOLOMON3 -MAX SPEED 211.0 ACCELARATION 48.0 ) 30 races in streight(NOW I FINISHED 19WINS and 11 looses) & and 30 races in reverse 18WINS and 12 looses NOT reached 2nd or 1st checkpoint with flying_car for 30 sec -FEARPLAY 2 000 000$ -100
BETTER result - 2 POINTS, EQUAL(16-20 WINS)- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point